Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Weight Loss Tips for Nurses

Nurses are on their feet for many long hours every day. It is important to keep the weight off in order to fit in your uniform, but also to look good as a health professional and to be comfortable on your feet. It your feet and legs have to carry a lot of weight around every day, you are bound to suffer from back pain. Here are some great tips to lose weight as a nurse.

It is important to be comfortable in your nursing uniform
In order to be comfortable in a nursing uniform, nurses should take care of their weight. Nursing is a rather active type of work, and it is important that nurses are mobile. While dieting is regarded as a bad word for many people, perhaps the focus should shift to healthier eating choices. It is best to eat a well-balanced diet so that you get all the nutrients required to perform your duties.

Burn more calories
Nurses are in the fortunate position that the nature of their work helps them to burn calories throughout the day. If you still have a weight issue, then you need to find ways to burn more calories in order to fit into your nursing uniform. Waking up a little earlier each day to fit in some light exercise will go a long way towards this.

Take a brisk walk 2-3 times a week so that you burn more calories. While at work, try to use the stairs where possible, this will burn many calories over a week or a month.

Eat less
If fitting into your nursing uniform is important to you, then you need to cut back slightly on your food portions. Using a small plate will give the impression that you are still eating a lot of food. This is a great technique to ensure that you cut back on your intake of calories. In next to no time, you will start shedding the inches and find that you are fitting more easily into your nursing uniform.

There is no quick fix to weight loss
All your dietary changes need to be permanent. If you revert to old eating patterns, you will regain the weight. This will seriously impede your efforts to fit into your nursing uniform. Embrace the fact that you have decided to improve your healthy by losing unwanted inches and pounds. Variety is the spice of life, and this should motivate you to eat a varied diet. Increase your intake of fruit and vegetables and reduce your intake of simple carbohydrates.


  1. Its true that nurses are in fortunate position and due to their nature of their works more calories burnt. So i think that they don't need to follow any diets.
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  2. I have read this weight loss tips for nurses and getting glad because my girlfriend is a nurse and she have some overweight body, so this tips are help her to loss extra weight.
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