Thursday, January 12, 2012

10 ways you’re annoying fellow nurses (Part -2)

6. Frequent Forwards
Every once in a while a funny video clip or link to an interesting story can be a welcome break from the workday. However, there’s a limit to how much people can take. If you’re forwarding one or more emails a day to several people in the hospital about things that aren’t work-related, you’re probably driving everybody crazy.

A never-ending stream of emails containing funny links or (even worse) solicitations for donations to some cause may be interesting or important to you, but they only give other nurses a bad impression. And if you ever get tempted to send an email to a nurse that is even close to NSFW, don’t click “send” under any circumstances.

7. Constant Complaints
urses need to vent sometimes, and work is called “work” for a reason. But if you spend an inordinate amount of time airing your hospital (or life) grievances to anyone who’ll listen, you’re not going to succeed in making things better. Especially if it concerns patients and privacy laws. Don’t go there.

Remember, just because the nurse or doctor you’re complaining to doesn’t say anything, that doesn’t mean he or she agrees with you. They’re probably just hoping you’ll finish complaining soon, or leave the hospital already.

8. Meeting Addicts
Meetings are a necessity at the hospital, as they foster communication between doctors and nurses, keep you abreast of new developments, crises, and hospital initiatives. The problem is that meetings take time, and nurses don’t have a lot of time to spare.

First a staff meeting’s called to talk about best practices when dealing with mental health patients. Another meeting to brainstorm how everyone should go forward after the first meeting follows that. Next thing you know, there are so many monthly, weekly, and even daily meetings that it’s impossible to get anything done. Instead of increasing efficiency, the people who call unnecessary or tedious meetings become known as the most annoying people in the hospital.

9. Gabby Gossips
You always see them surfing sites like TMZ and Perez Hilton, whenever they aren’t at the front desk whispering to the receptionist. If anyone’s having an affair or getting fired, they’re always the first to know; whether the info they’re passing on is actually correct is secondary.

Here’s the thing about hospital gossip: people notice the people who are always in the middle of it. If you find yourself in secretive conversations with somebody known for having loose lips, you’ll be seen as guilty by association. Ironically, while those who love to dish may find a ready audience for their juicy bits of info, after a while, they’ll find themselves with fewer and fewer confidants who’ll risk their reputations around the hospital to talk to them about anything.

10. Pranksters
Much like meetings, pranks around the hospital are only appreciated in small doses; any more than that and they become a gigantic annoyance. And involving patients is out of the question. Even those with a good sense of humor will tire quickly if they can’t go to the restroom without coming back to mixed up patient files or a computer that doesn’t work.

There’s a time and a place for pranks in the hospital. The same goes for the rest of these annoying habits.
Sometimes you have to make a personal phone call, run several errands in a week or call a two meetings in a row. Just remember that if you do any of these things regularly and you see no problem with your actions, you very well may be the most annoying person in the hospital.

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