Thursday, August 9, 2012

Controlling healthcare costs through work-site clinics

Thirty-one percent of companies employing 500 or more people had on-site clinics according to a 2011 survey by Mercer, a human resources consultant. Not only seen as a way to help control employee healthcare costs, but as a brand enhancer, productivity booster, and potential hospital referral source, company work-site clinics are a helpful service.

Work-site clinics are not too new to the scene. More common prior to the 1980s, these care facilities revolved around work related injuries. As workplaces modernized and become less risky for hazards to occur, clinics began closing. In their recent rebirth, today’s workplace clinics focus more on health and wellness promotion and preventive care services.

A growing demand:
Clearly the driving factor for these types of facilities is controlling medical costs. These clinics can have a tremendous impact on avoidable hospitalizations and visits to the ER. Companies are able to strategize a long term employee health plan to curb costs and by doing so, fortify a healthier and happier workforce. On-site clinics provide other numerous benefits including:
•    Convenient medical services
•    Minimizes sick days
•    Promotes good health practices
•    Increases employee retention and recruitment

Useful for hospitals and business alike:
How well employees are feeling directly impacts their ability to perform their duties, which ultimately affects a company’s bottom line. While the company can offer employees preventive services, hospitals in the area can provide nurse practitioners to assist. Both organizations are bolstering their reputations and should the patient need advanced care, the clinic is a great referral source for the hospitals.


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